Ballarat East Community Men's Shed is a community-based, non-commercial organisation that is open to men. Men's sheds provide a place where men can feel included and safe. The aim of men's sheds is to improve the health and wellbeing of their members.
Members of Men’s Sheds come from all walks of life - the bond that unites them is that they are men with time on their hands and they would like something meaningful to do with that time.
Members of our Shed can participate in a range of activities. The shed has extensive facilities for woodworking, fitting and machining, metal fabrication, picture framing, car maintenance and gardening.
Come along and talk to a mate.
Opening Times
Tuesday 9am to 3pm
Wednesday 9am to 3pm
Thursday 9am to 3pm
Extra Interest Group Sessions
Shed Market Sales - Thusdays 9.00 till 11.45 am
Art Classes Monday 1pm to 3pm NOT operating till further notice
Guitar Group Thursday 1pm to 3pm
Picture Framing ONLY - Alistair: 0403 935 037